Honeywell burner controls can allow your burner to function at the peak of efficiency for fuel-air ratios.
These controls can save fuel dollars beginning on the first day of installation and for many years to come thus creating a quick return on investment.
Integrated Flame Safeguard Control
The Delphi Combustion Efficiency Panel integrates flame safeguard control, fuel-air ratio control, O2 Trim, variable frequency drive (VFD) control, and proportional integral derivative (PID) control into a single, integrated, pre-wired panel with a PC touchscreen for easy, user-friendly commissioning. The features integrated into the panel provide energy savings, reduced emissions, reduced installation costs and enhanced safety, all at your fingertips.
O2 Trim Creates Significant Cost Reduction
The oxygen trim delivers impressive savings to your customers through reduced fuel use and increased burner efficiency, plus an environmentally responsible reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. A high-accuracy, fast- response O2 sensor drives efficiencies to new heights by continuously correcting and optimizing the fuel-air ratio. The unit also compensates for variable combustion air, trims the damper, and/or the variable frequency drive and the boiler to the most effective and efficient fuel-air ratio.

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